WPN does not charge an additional fee for staked buy-ins.The staking feature allow users to purchase a share of another’s player’s action at Multi-Table Tournaments.There’s also a ‘Spin to Stake’ feature that allows you to Spin to Win a Staking percentage. Also, if a player unregisters for a tourney you staked, you get a full refund. If the offer you make is filled before your total purchase is completed, you get a refund for the unpurchased amount. Staking percentages are approved in increments of 1% every 5 minutes, giving time for other players to jump in. It will show how much it will cost you and then you click “buy”. On the bottom right, put in the percentage you want to stake the player for this particular tournament. You may also take notes on each player you stake. Hit the star to mark the player as a favorite. You will see the percent they’re selling (Max 90%) and the percent remaining. When you select a tourney, you will see the list of players who are offering staking for it on the right. 1) Click the Staking button in the main lobby of the poker client.Ģ) Inside the Staking lobby (see below), you will see the list of tourneys available to be staked on the top left.